Be prepared and informed.
- Know where your safer place is
- Know how long it will take to get to your safer space
- Have important items handy and ready to go if needed
- Know what is allowed and what might be required
- Know what is not allowed or may be prohibited
- Monitor local weather stations and weather apps
Before the bad weather hits take some time to familiarize yourself with the local storm shelters and safer places.
Be sure to move to the shelter before the storm arrives. Only travel when it is safe to do so. Drive to your shelter before the storm to familiarize yourself with the area and time how long it may take.
Be aware of road blockages and hazards. You may need to take an alternate route, be sure you know several routes or alternative shelters near by. Do not drive into water covering the road and watch for debris.
Below is a map of local Storm Shelters. To get directions click on the icon of the nearest shelter and click “View in Google Maps” or the diamond road sign icon.
This list is provided for informational purposes only and we are not affiliated with any of these locations. Please let us know of any other shelters in the area and we will add them to the list.
Gather medications, identifications, and other important items and have them ready to go. Bring a book or small entertainment/comfort items (especially for kids).
Actively monitor tv, radio, or weather apps. Be sure you have several options for staying informed in the event of power failures or other outages.
Keep cell phones charged and have battery packs handy to stay up to date on further developments or call for help if needed.
Keep snacks, flashlights, and extra batteries handy.
Stay safe.